The association preserves the roman city Aguntum as cultural heritage, therefor we are looking for sponsors and donors that support the archeological research, the preservation and the historico-cultural presentation of the excavations.
The museum and the archeological park is run by the Association. The museum contains the most important findings of the area of Aguntum and East Tyrol. In addition to this there are also findings of other roman sites to provide complete information about the roman life in the Alps. The archeological park contains mostly rebuild riuns and in summer when the archeologists work in the park there is also a scientific purpose so the archeological park is still growing a bit every year.
The association Curatorium pro Agunto preserves the roman city Aguntum as cultural heritage and wants to create and maintain an archeological park. An important step in this direction is the installation of a visitor’s guidance system.
If you want to support this project, feel free to join our association.
regular member:
20€ p.a.
100€ p.a.
500€ once
You can either send your filled applikation form to our email adress or send it to our adress.
Verein ‘Curatorium pro Agunto’
Römerstraße 1, A-9991 Dölsach
Tel. +43 (0) 4852 61 550
Mail Museum:
Mail Büro:
Dr. Leo Gomig
Bgm. Josef Mair
Financial advisor
Mag. Martin Fasching
Jasmin Zraunig
Scientifical advisor
Dr. Michael Tschurtschenthaler
Public relations work
Werner Lamprecht
Vertreter Landesbaudirektion
DI Gerhard Wastian
Representative of Dölsach
Silvia Oberbichler
Representative of Lavant
Bgm. Oswald Kuenz
Representative of Nußdorf-Debant
Bgm. Ing. Andreas Pfurner
Vertreter der Gemeinde Dölsach
LA Mayerl Martin
Representative of Lienz
Bgm. DI Elisabeth Blanik
Board member
Ing. Konrad Kreuzer
Board member
Direktor Franz Theurl
Board member
Dr. Paul Meyer
Board member
Johann Krassnitzer
Board member
Wolfgang Winkler
Board member
Dr. Bert Singer
Board member
DI Harald Haider
Mag. Arno Oberegger
Dr. Martin Auer
Mag. Reinhard Lobenwein
Dr. Gabriele Lehner